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Jake Hanson
Vice President Client Services
Let us show you how Survey Solutions can transform your patient experience surveys
Inpatient Rounding Tablets
Real-Time Insights for Better Care
Our newest survey tool, Inpatient Rounding Tablets, is an innovative add-on to our HCAHPS surveys. These tablets allow you to collect real-time feedback from patients while they are still in your facility, providing valuable insights into their experience and helping predict HCAHPS survey responses.
Why Use Inpatient Rounding Tablets?
- Gather real-time, actionable data from admitted patients
- Capture feedback from patients not eligible for HCAHPS
- Ask just 7 simple, easy-to-understand questions
- Get full access to the Survey Solutions dashboard
- Analyze and compare data by week, month, or quarter
- Improve patient experience while they are still in your care
With Inpatient Rounding Tablets, you no longer must wait for post-discharge surveys to understand how patients feel. Take a big step forward and enhance care, improve satisfaction, and elevate your hospital’s performance.
It’s time to get more out of your patient experience surveys
Our innovative approach helps measure and examine the patient experience with you. At Survey Solutions, we give you more – more features, more data, and more value. Discover why our system is the perfect fit for healthcare facilities, especially rural and critical access hospitals.
Interactive Dashboard

Utilizing our custom designed and coded algorithm, we make gathering and analyzing your data easier and more intuitive than ever.
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